Being With What IS: Savoring Where We Are
Feb 01, 2019Photograph by Kari Shea
By running from one event, celebration or feeling to the next, we miss the ‘true’ ride. Settle into the grace of what is in this moment and savor it.
Sometimes I feel like I’ve missed out on so many things in my life that I have to hurry up and make up for lost time…as if running from one thing to the next could reclaim stolen moments or fill the void.
There’s a certain hit of joy, satisfaction and pride in overcoming anything — a fear, a doubt, limited thinking, a terrible relationship, etc. And when you feel that hit of triumph…well, you want more! That can be a good thing and a not-so-good thing because our focus always goes somewhere else, skipping ahead.
When we get so caught up in the ‘more’, we miss the glory of the ride and how we got from point A to point B. We also miss the quieter more subtle beauties.
Standing at the front end of a new year has me mulling over life — what I’ve done, where I’ve been, where I want to go and how I want to be.
Last year was everything rolled into one, which I imagine many can relate to in varying degrees. I was scared, confused, hesitant, brave, vulnerable, courageous, adventurous and strong (all wrapped up in one).
I’ve come to understand that there is no strong without weak, happy without sad, up without down. That’s the polarity of being human.
And we don’t need to be afraid of it. Besides, how else would we appreciate the blessings?
I stretched myself in ways that rattled and excited me, many of which I have shared here in these blogs. I surrounded myself by people who tell me the truth, not just what I want to hear. And btw, that doesn’t mean I always want to hear it. They hold me accountable to my promises to self.
Of course I’m hungry for more travel, more lessons, more amazing people to enter my life, more excitement, more expansion, more everything...more ME. But not all at once — and that’s the wisdom.
After I returned from my beautiful trip to Iceland in November, I thought that I would need to get right on booking the next adventure.
While I’m still craving MORE life, I also honor this moment of rest and digest. As I sit and thumb through my photo books from the trip, I savor it all. I acknowledge how grateful I am to like the life I’m building — to like my cottage, my people, my work, my community. I believe deeply in what we are creating. I don’t know where it’s all leading, but I feel it expanding and contracting as need be — guiding me to the next steps.
Life can be full and flavorful while being still and reflective.
Sometimes I need to retreat to restore. That’s a permission slip that I’ve written for myself this past year.
Being with what is, enjoying this moment, slowing down and breathing actually creates the space for new things to ruminate. My next trip will come (it’s actually already whispering in my ear, stay tuned), but for now I’m finding myself being called to read, to light candles, pray, meditate, dream, play with my newly adopted kitten, to daydream out the window at the snow falling, to savor silly moments with my teenager, to honor the season and moons.
Remember where you’ve been. Envision where you’re going and most of all, enjoy it all.
2018 is my badge of courage that I’m going to wear with pride; a reminder of what I am capable of and how I modeled new ways for my daughter, True. No, I’m not hiding from the hard stuff, I’m celebrating it. Returning home from my first big trip in 33 years, I felt complete, content and filled. I’m grateful for it all.
Some people dread Mondays because it is the start of the work week, or dread the last day of vacation because they have to return to a life that drains them.
Being with the ‘is’ reminds you that the journey is bigger than the destination — and to pay close attention to all the moments of your precious life.
And hey, I also got to come home to YOU. This is the life I was waiting for — for a LONG time…and it’s here, finally and on my terms. You’re here and our collective dreams live here — in shared stories, connection, a passing smile, an email.
Now don’t get me wrong, in between all of this ‘being with what is’, I’m still excited and anxious about stepping into my next life chapter whenever it may unfold.
But for now, I’m no longer running from my past or anyone or anything. My past is ME as yours is YOU. And having the opportunity to learn how to do ‘me’ is the true adventure no matter where I go. She’s unfolding and I’m getting to know her better.
So yeah, at least for right now…I’m contentedly being with what is. Join me in this beautiful moment — and thank you for being here with me. I see you…are you seeing YOU? Do me (and you) a favor and honor her/him.
—Lea Haas, Owner, The Garden Cafe Woodstock