The Flow of Time

Mar 23, 2024

The Flow of Time by Angie Pickman

Springs bring with her profound shifts. For me, this season, this could not be truer. 

Spring has sprung and with it comes daylight savings, the vernal equinox and awakenings — awakenings in both our external and internal worlds.

Setting our clocks forward feels like an abrupt shift that we’re all supposed to immediately get in line with and yet we, Mother Nature and the rest of us, need to move at our own cadence. In essence, we get there when we get there.

The earth is stirring and so am I. We each poke out tentatively. Buds are sprouting up all around on branches and from below the ground — visual signs of renewal and hope.

I’ve certainly felt the rumblings of change and new beginnings in my own life and it’s not all a result of longer days and warmer temperatures. On a personal note, I’ve actually crossed a major email in my inbox just notified me that I am officially divorced.

Endings and beginnings, the seasons of our lives.

Though I’ve been on my own for the past 6 years, I guess you can say that I had to do this in my own time. Of course, that’s looking through the rearview mirror with a lot of well-earned wisdom. I had been married for over 30 years to a man I ran away with when I was still a girl of only seventeen and ran away from as a woman who could no longer stay.

It took me a long time to leave. I know people wondered why I didn’t do it sooner, why it took me so long, etc. But if I’ve learned anything it’s that there is only one clock we can set our lives to — our internal clock.

I’ve been contemplating the notion of time a lot lately — 1.) because it seems to be passing quickly (I consider this each time I look in the mirror and when I realize I have an 18-year-old daughter) and 2.) because I want to seize it, revel in it, make it slow down.

There is so much I want to do, see, taste and explore in this great big Universe. For so long my wings were clipped and though I share the divorce news here, I don’t blame anyone for anything. Our life lessons are there for the taking. We can make meaning from our own mess...or not.

I’ve journeyed here to this place where I’ve finally allowed myself to become the woman I had trapped away. I’ve built a new life, a business and a foundation to stand upon. My life has blossomed in so many magnificent ways — as a woman, a mother, a friend. And at the core is this beautiful community. We did this together and we continue each day.

Every day a stranger becomes a friend. Every day I’m inspired by the stories of family, travel and entrepreneurial ventures that are shared with me. Every day I celebrate the hearts that open to mine and the ways in which I am sparked and motivated.

Just the other day I met the most adorable couple in the café. I had been observing them from across the restaurant — how they seemed so peaceful, connected, and intentional about their meal. It was a delight to take in.

It’s hard to put into words, but it was like witnessing a stolen moment. They were completely present, languishing over their food, each had a book and moved with such a mindful gentleness. Their energy pulled me right in, curious to learn more about them.

When I shared my impressions they giggled and told me how they had been consciously practicing ‘rest’. Well, I’d say mission accomplished.

And as we often do, we ended up in a lovely conversation where they shared thoughts about their newly adopted approach to life. They believe we should rest 1 hour a day, 1 day a week and 1 week a year...but really rest. Imagine that. Sounds like a pretty good recipe for life balance to me, right?

In this busy world of ours it is so important to honor our needs, know what works for us, listen and take action. It’s this balancing act of reaching and restoring.

For now, I’m trying to stretch in new ways — I’m stretching time savoring the moments I still have with my ‘little girl’, I’m moving my body in Pilates and yoga classes and I’m pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone.

Did I mention that I’m off to Paris?!!! Yes, the Eiffel Tower, baguettes, café au (vegan) lait, Oh là là! and all — a lifetime dream I’ve secretly held. By the time you are reading this, I will be strolling along the illustrious Seine breathing it all in — and I can’t wait to share it with you when I’m back.

As someone once said, we need to trust the timing in life. Trust yours dear souls. Trust when you know it is time to push forward or hold back. We are all fragile spring blooms, surviving the elements of life.

I’m so grateful to be on this journey with you.

What internal clock are you ticking to? No matter what...honor it above all.

Happy Spring, loves! 

“Time is relative; its only worth depends upon what we do as it is passing.”

~ Albert Einstein

—Lea Haas, Owner, The Garden Cafe Woodstock


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