Seasons. Feelings. Changes.

Jun 01, 2023

While some change is out of our control (like the weather), this is an invitation to change your mind and maneuver through life in a new way

June greetings, friends!

June...the mid mark of the year already? How is that even possible? Well, the robust hustle & bustle pace, holiday crowds and having our coveted strawberry shortcake back on the menu...tells me it is so.

We just made it through our first big weekend kicking off the summer. Phew. The garden was all abuzz with smiley faces, warm temps and renewal. It certainly takes a lot of work to open back up after a long winter, but it is so delightful to gather yet again with guests outdoors as the sun kisses our faces and warms our bones. Like little flowers, we bounce back and beam — so happy to be here. This in itself makes all the prep worthwhile.

It occurred to me the other day that this has been one of the most glorious springs I can recount...ever. We typically get teased with some nice weather early spring and then suddenly it shifts abruptly, thrusting us straight into the heat of summer. Not this time. I’m happy to report that spring arrived with a kind and gentle embrace this year and decided to delight us by sticking around.

We’ve been languishing in days upon days (knock on wood) of crystal blue skies. The windows are cracked open at night filled with crisp cool Catskill Mountain air — perfect for dreaming (and cuddling with cats).

And each spring, I love on my sweet café as we open her back up. This year, we redid another bathroom that makes me smile every time I walk by. We fuss on her — touching up paint, making repairs, new front steps, new dishware, new additions adorn her — all infused with love.

I’m sure you can relate, especially if you live in a seasonal climate like the Hudson Valley. You may be hustling about doing house repairs, planting your gardens, opening your porches. I’m sure you have your version of this.

All of this seasonal transition had me thinking of emotional transition as well — and where and how we tend to that garden. I’ve been witnessing this desire within to give myself permission to change my mind. And oh, what a game-changer that has been.

Sounds so simplistic, right? Well, you can’t imagine how easy it is to get stuck in a certain way of thinking, judging others, viewing the world. In the end, it just adds to the pollution of our world. I’ve been calling attention to this desire to see better and do better. What does that mean?

Well, instead of making a knee-jerk response to something, to criticizing a person or situation — I’ve decided to allow myself to see it differently, to shift my perspective.  And in the process of doing this, I’m observing others in a new way and releasing myself from unnecessary struggle.

God knows we get caught up in so many tangles we have no control over.

I’m taking more time to pause before reacting. When a person irritates me, I take a deep breath and consider what is going on within each of us. Somehow it softens my body and diffuses the energy. Now, I’m not suggesting that you drop discernment. To the contrary, we need opinions and critical thinking...but we also need heart. And the more we can tap into that, the better we are all served.

Much like the weather, we can’t control all that happens to us anymore than we can the forecast. But we certainly can take charge of the HOW — how we respond and how we navigate it. And there’s something empowering in that, don’t you think? 

As we give thanks to Mother Nature for sunshine, fresh air, chirping birds, good friends and good food — may we each embrace the seasonal change within us. May we accept the invitation to change our minds and reassess how we are in this world. And when we plant those seeds within our life garden’s, may they flourish and grow — spread wide and far.

I’ll take another serving of that please! 

Sending you love from our kitchen to yours and may we meet up again soon within the garden beneath spring sunshine and breezes. June blessings, dear souls.

—Lea Haas, Owner, The Garden Cafe Woodstock


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