Stirrings, Synchronicity, Stillness
Feb 01, 2025In life, as in nature, we must sync to the beat of our own drum — avoid resistance and exhale into the wisdom of that which is stirring within
Sometimes I’m taken off guard and surprise myself. I’m usually well aware of the new moon and the full moon — and of course, how they make me feel. But somehow this one temporarily escaped me until it didn’t — and it all made sense.
Then I was delighted by the divine timing of it all. It never gets old. Before I dive into my story, let me share a bit about this Lunar New Moon, the first of the year.
According to the Chinese zodiac, 2025 is the year of the snake and the snake represents calmness and introspection, which might surprise those who don’t understand snakes. They are also a metaphor for the shedding of old skins and letting go of old ways — renewal, hope, new beginnings.
Some believe this is actually the ‘true’ new year, not January 1st. I like this because somehow the first day of the year feels so rushed, as if we are tossed into her hands exhausted from a bustling holiday season. And in that state, we are expected to make resolutions (and keep them)?
I like 1/29 better. It feels more intuitive, more divinely timed. Maybe you can relate.
The moment I realized that it was the new moon the other day, it made complete sense. I awoke that morning feeling like a new person.
Suddenly I had a certain pep in my step. I felt inspired, invigorated and motivated to take action steps on behalf of all the ideas bouncing around my head.
Now let me step back a moment and share that this was quite a departure from how I had been feeling. Though I couldn’t exactly put my finger on the ‘why’ beneath it — I have felt like I’ve been in a holding pattern for the last three months. It was almost as if I was watching my life on the sidelines instead of being fully present and engaged within it.
Nothing was wrong. Nothing was broken. Nothing had happened, but everything felt a little duller, quieter, less exciting. There wasn’t sadness, fear or distraction...just a quiet stillness. Describing myself as unmotivated (which really isn’t my natural state) was an understatement.
I just sat with it and witnessed it...and sighed awaiting the big reveal: What was behind this all, where was it guiding me, what was it trying to tell me?
I wasn’t particularly alarmed. I didn’t need a diagnosis. I simply needed to listen to the cadence of my own spirit and try to understand what it was asking of me.
Don’t get me wrong — I still reveled in daily life pleasures. I laughed, shared meals, hugged friends, danced with customers. And yet, something was missing that I couldn’t identify. Sometimes the more you ask, the less you learn...so you patiently wait and observe.
I let it be. Sure, I wondered if I was being lazy or just hibernating. It is winter (and a cold one at that). Why couldn’t it be both? I shushed the critical voice. But it was real. Even my best friend stated, “You’re being weirder than normal.” Ha!
She was right.
Then it passed. I awoke to synchronicity, alignments and perfect timing. Isn’t it interesting how we view life through the same eyes each day and yet each day the world around us looks different?
On the morning of the Lunar Moon, I was alone in the café breathing in her beauty — just she and I. I felt wonderful stirrings and excitement as plans danced in my head. I could see what I wanted to fix, I was filled with new ideas for the future, and I recognized how different I felt. I was buzzing with aliveness.
I breathed it in and was grateful.
This new moon in Aquarius sparks something within you that ignites your path ahead — and this energy creates your new reality.
When we are in synch with the rhythm of Mother Earth, God and our soul, we will recognize the stirrings as messengers gently guiding us along this life path. And when we allow ourselves to sit in stillness, uncertainty and trust — we dance with the divine timing.
This connection is so powerful, bountiful and beautiful.
I joke that I usually fight with the new moon. She typically pokes me in uncomfortable ways, but I surrender because she already knows that I can handle it, I’m ready to see, feel and be in different ways. I release resistance and embrace this new year in a new way.
Care to join me?
May this new year be filled with fantastic frequency, high vibrations and blessings for us all.
—Lea Haas, Owner, The Garden Cafe Woodstock